Believe it or not, my horse, Miz Clu To You (Addie), has World Champion bloodlines!
Her Grandsire, Kid Clu, has won numerous awards, Reserve World Champion Open, Halter Top Ten World Show and #1 Leading Halter Horse Sire! Here is a photo of him, (he was born in 1988 and died in 2001)

Moving on to her Great Grandsire. A Grand Dandy was his name, and that he was! Born in 1975, he won AQHA Champion. Superior Halter! I haven't found a photo of him, but when I do, I will post it!
Lura's Oak Bar, born, 1970, Sire of A Grand Dandy, he won World Champion Sire, Superior Halter and Performance Sire, AQHA Champion Sire, and he sold for $55,000!

Dazzle Me In Gold, Addie and her have the same grandsire! Dazzle Me In Gold won the 2005 Reserve World Champion Palomino Show! And guess who their grandsire is.......... Kid Clu, the first horse that I mentioned at the top!

And one more thing, Addie's Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Grandsire was the Sire of Secretariat, one of the world's greatest racehorses! If you want more info on Secretariat, has all you can learn about this great horse, who, in 1973 won the Kentucky Derby! Also, he won the Belmont Stakes in 2:24 by 31 lengths (below right)